Class OrderCustomerCreate


This Class represents a dataobject for Creating an Order Customer

Variable Summary
string $Address
string $Address2
bool $B2B
string $City
string $Company
string $Country
string $CountryCode
string $Cvr
string $Ean
string $Email
string $Firstname
string $Lastname
string $Mobile
int $OrderId
string $Phone
string $ShippingCity
string $ShippingZip
string $State
string $Zip
string $Address

The address of the customer

string $Address2

The second addressline of the customer

bool $B2B

Wether or not this costumer is a B2B customer

string $City

The city of the customer

string $Company

The company of the customer

string $Country

The ISO code of country of the customer

string $CountryCode

The phone initials of the country (+XX) of the customer

string $Cvr

The CVR number of the customer

string $Ean

The EAN number of the customer

string $Email

The Email address of the customer

string $Firstname

The firstname of the customer

string $Lastname

The lastname of the customer

string $Mobile

The mobile number of the customer

int $OrderId

The id of the Order of the OrderCustomer

string $Phone

The phone number of the customer

string $ShippingAddress

The shipping address

string $ShippingAddress2

The second shipping address line

string $ShippingCity

The city of the shipping address

string $ShippingCompany

The company of the person on the shipping address

string $ShippingCountry

The ISO code of the country of the shipping address

string $ShippingCountryCode

The phone initials of the country of the shipping address (+XX)

string $ShippingEmail

The email of the shipping address

string $ShippingFirstname

The firstname of the person on the shipping address

string $ShippingLastname

The lastname of the person on the shipping address

string $ShippingMobile

The mobile number of the shipping address

string $ShippingPhone

The phone number of the shipping address

string $ShippingState

The shortcode of the state of the shipping adress

string $ShippingZip

The zipcode of the shipping address

string $State

The shortcode of the state of the customer

string $Zip

The zipcode of the customer

Documentation generated on Thu, 26 Jul 2018 13:22:46 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.4